
ningbo shanghai world foreign language school 2024 year foreign teacher recruitment announcement 宁波上海世外学校24学年外籍教师招聘


ningbo shanghai world foreign language school 2024 school year foreign teacher recruitment announcement 宁波上海世外学校 2024 学年外籍教师招聘公告

school introduction 学校介绍

ningbo shanghai world foreign language school adheres to the educational philosophy of shanghai world foreign language schools. based on the chinese national curriculum, guided by the integrated international education philosophies, and emphasizing the characteristics of foreign language teaching, we prioritize the cultivation of students’ practical and communication skills in foreign languages. we integrate advanced educational concepts and teaching methods from both home and abroad, balancing the curriculum and implementing learning methods to promote students’ social, creative, and personalized development, cultivating their comprehensive literacy. in recent years, our school has achieved excellent results in various aspects and received unanimous praise from all sectors of society. 宁波上海世外学校坚持上海世外中、小学的办学特点,以国家课程为基础,以中 外融合教育理念为指引,同时强调外语教学特色,把培养学生外语实用和交际能 力放在首位,融合国内外先进教育理念与教学方法,兼顾课程平衡和学习方法的 落实,促进学生社会性、创造性、个性化发展,培养学生全面综合素养。近年来, 学校在各方面取得优异成绩,受到社会各界的一致好评。

subjects to be recruited 招聘学科

english: native english speaker with esl teaching experience is preferred, proficient in english reading and writing instruction; 英语:母语为英语,有 esl 教学经验,擅长英语阅读和写作教学;

art and design: candidates should major in art-related fields such as visual design, design, or having taught courses in drama, art, design, etc., and need to provide relevant portfolios if apply; 艺术与设计:要求艺术类相关专业,如视觉设计、 设计类等,或有教授过戏剧、艺术、设计等课程,需要带上相关作品集;

humanities: candidates should major in world history, geography, or humanities, or having relevant teaching experience in geography or history. 人文类:世界史 或地理或人文相关专业,或有地理或历史教学相关经验。 requirements for applicants


parallelling with the school’s educational philosophy; 认同学校办学理念;

outstanding teachers and key teachers: provincial, municipal, or regional famous teachers, subject leaders, outstanding teachers, key teachers, or newcomers in education; 名优骨干教师:省市地区名师学科带头人、名师、骨干教师、教 坛新秀等;

excellent in-service teachers: teachers with more than 5 years of teaching experience, mature teaching experience, and good subject expertise; 优秀在职教 师:拥有 5 年以上从教经验,有较成熟的教学工作经验,学科专业度较好的 在职教师;

exceptionally outstanding fresh graduates: graduates from national key normal universities, 985/211 institutions preferred, with good professional foundations, strong communication and coordination skills, affinity, and good educational service awareness. holding a teacher qualification certificate and having overseas study experience is preferred. 特别优秀的应届毕业生:国家重点师范类大学、985/211 院校毕业生优先,有较好的专业基础、较强的沟通协调能力、 亲和力和良好的教育服务意识,具有教师资格证书,有海外留学经历者优先。

salary and welfare 薪酬福利

1. competitive salary packages are provided - especially excellent teachers will receive individualized salary packages. district subject key teachers receive a minimum annual salary of 300,000 yuan, district famous teachers receive a minimum annual salary of 350,000 yuan, municipal subject key teachers receive a minimum annual salary of 400,000 yuan, and municipal famous teachers receive a minimum annual salary of 450,000 yuan; 提供极具竞争力的薪酬——特别优秀 教师采用“一人一方案”,区学科骨干教师年薪 30 万起,区名师年薪 35 万 起,市学科骨干教师年薪 40 万起,市名师年薪 45 万起;

2. enjoy commercial accident insurance; and annual home visit flight reimbursement; 享受商业意外保险、年度探亲机票报销;

3. teacher’s children enjoy priority enrollment and tuition discounts; 教师子女享受 优先入学及学费优惠政策;

4. a comprehensive promotion and reward mechanism is available; 有完备的晋升 奖励机制;

5. nutritious breakfast and lunch are provided; 享受营养工作早午餐;

6. regularly organized colorful team-building activities; 定期组织丰富多彩的团建 活动;

7. enjoy festival benefits; 享受节日福利;

8. enjoy vacation recuperation; 享受假期疗休养;

9. enjoy paid summer and winter vacations; 享受寒暑假带薪休假;

10. regularly organized annual physical examinations; 每年定期组织体检;

11. the school provides teacher dormitories. 学校提供教师宿舍。

professional development chance 专业发展机会

group immersion training; 集团浸润式培训;

expert guidance; 聘请专家引领;

mentorship; 师徒带教;

professional title evaluation; 职称评定;

domestic and international training opportunities. 海内外培训机会。

application process 应聘流程

please send your resume to jiy*****shwfl.edu.cn, with the subject line “applied position + your name”. candidates for art and design positions should attach relevant portfolios.

after initial review and selection, the school will contact candidates by phone or email to notify them of the interview time and location.

发送简历至 jiy*****shwfl.edu.cn,主题命名为“应聘岗位+姓名”,艺术与设计需要附上相关作品集。 经初审筛选后,学校将以电话方式或邮件形式联系应聘者,通知面试时间和地点。

contact information 联系方式

contact number: +86 (0574) 558****735

email: jiy*****shwfl.edu.cn

contact person: sylvia xu 徐老师

school address: no. 228, panyue road, jiangbei district, ningbo city, zhejiang province, china 学校地址:浙江省宁波市江北区畔悦路 228 号

宁波世外欢迎您的加入! ningbo shanghai world foreign language school welcomes your joining!



学校 举办时间 举办地点 操作
2021-10-11 10:00  (周一) 芙蓉餐厅二楼就业指导中心3号厅 查看详情


